While completing my Master's Degree in 2002, I decided to create a website to showcase all of the things I learned in graduate and undergraduate school. In May 2003, I was hired as a third grade teacher in Virginia. I continued to build that same website into a classroom website that had over 200,000 visitors, ranging from Australia to my own community.
After ten years teaching third grade, I switched teaching roles and became an ITRT (Instructional Technology Resource Teacher). Now, I teach classroom teachers how to utilize technology in lessons.
I decided to create my own business in August 2012 in order to branch out with web design for friends of mine who were not tech-saavy. This was convenient for me on for evenings, weekends and summers. During my (near) decade in the business, I have designed and maintained over 30 websites, ranging from class websites, to SWAT Training, bath bombs, a winery site, dog sitting, septic systems, and even an Pennsylvania town's website. In short, there's not a site I can't build.
With that being said, any website requests and communication made during the school year will be punctual, but depending on the time of year, may be delayed. However, I still promise that it will not take longer than one day to get back to you, guaranteed.